Ch Riveridge's Husani Mikara - aka: Sonny. ( Ch
Kwetu's Kalahari Karavan ROM X Lamington's Sherri ) Sonny was co-owned
by Barbara and Michael Ray, until he finished. Sonny was a great baby
sitter, too.
Kalahari Uto Tshokoleti
JC,CGC,TT,HIC,PTD- aka:Toby. ( Ch Kwetu's Kalahari Karavan
ROM X Kalahari Chocolate Chip ) Toby finished in 8 shows - 4 times BOB
over Specials and was a Group winning dog. He was certified by the
Delta Society as a Pet Therapy Dog and earned a herding
certificate....sheep, ducks and goats!
Kalahari Abeni Tshokoleti ROM
- aka: Sugar. ( Ch Kwetu's Kalahari Karavan ROM X Kalahari
Chocolate Chip ) Sugar proved herself in both the breed ring and
whelping box,
giving me my latest duo of show dogs and earning her ROM.
Kalahari Tshani Abeni -
aka:Savannah. ( Ch Crescent's The Power of Gold JC X Ch Kalahari Abeni
Tshokoleti )Savannah and Woody BOTH won Awards of Merit at the RRCUS
National 2000 in Lexington. Savannah was a great mother, an avid squirrel dog and the best of bed buddies.
Silwane of Kalahari
- aka:
Polo.Ch Crescent's The Power of Gold JC X Ch Kalahari Abeni Tshokoleti
) Polo finished with 4 straight majors, including BOS over 2
specials. Polo championship gave Sugar her ROM! Polo was the most
gentlemanly dog I've ever met, let alone had the pleasure to live with.
His place on the bed was the prime one as he was the boss, but
never with a mean bone in his body. He always got alone with other dogs
and was the finest of companions.
Fun fact! Guy is in the movie Terminator: Genisys. Yep, he's the "dog coming out of the alley". Don't sneeze, you'll miss him!