Thank you for visiting and your interest in acquiring a Kalahari puppy as a PET. Please take a few minutes to fill out our easy form to help us determine if a Kalahari puppy is right for you. Remember, we are in Mobile, AL and we do NOT ship puppies. (Why? Because we are a backwater airport! Most of our planes are too small to carry dog crates.)You will receive a form letter stating price, etc. Please respond that you received it, otherwise we will delete the form. (This form does not work for AOL users. Just cut and paste the questions into an email and send it to us.) You can email me a





Zip Code 


Are you aware that we are in Mobile, AL ? 

Please tell me why you are interested in a Ridgeback puppy - for companion, show, performance, breeding? Please elaborate.:

Are you interested in a male or female? Does it matter? Would you consider a ridgeless pup or one who has had a dermoid sinus removed?

How did you first find out about Ridgebacks?Did you just
read about them or know someone with a Ridgeback?:

Tell me about you or your family - Are you single? A student? Married?
Any children? What are their ages? :

Have you owned other dogs? Where did you get them?
What happened to them?:

What makes you a good dog owner/pet owner?:

Where will the puppy sleep? Does everyone work?
Who will care for the puppy during the day?:

Do you have a fence? How high is it? What's it made of?
If you don't have a fence, how are you going to exercise the puppy?:

What would happen to the dog if you had to move?
What would you do with the dog if you had to give it up?:

How do you plan on getting the puppy to your home?
We DO NOT ship!
